Tuesday, November 27, 2007


Well the snow has finally arrived in Nelson. It was promised and promised to be here at the end of October and arrived just a few days shy of a month late. I was so excited to start snapping pictures of my journey to school (uphill in both directions!) I left my keys on the kitchen table. I had to enlist the help of Darcy to steady the crooked lattice while I shimmied up and climbed through the bathroom window. I am now officially a pro, Michelle and I had to do the same routine when I closed the door on our way to do laundry.
Cold temperatures have also arrived with the snow wreaking havoc on my little truck. First the emergency break was frozen and then the throttle cable. Kind of difficult to drive when you can't press on the gas. Well, half a can of "Cable Life" lube squirted in I went for a test run to get groceries. The journey there was smooth like butter and my new tires stick like molasses. The return journey wasn't so uneventful. The throttle was frozen again. So I tapped the gas and got her stuck at about 2000 rpm and drove home varying speed with fancy gear changes and incredible key control. Upon arriving home I squirted in more lube and freed the cable. I will have to give her a test drive tomorrow...


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